Clason Remodeling Co., would like you to know...
2016 Cornerstone Award Winners in Three Categories!Single Detached Family Resident Over $1,000,000
Alton Lakefront Home GOLD WINNER Architectural Design-Light Construction Center Harbor Restaurant GOLD WINNER Commercial Under $500,000 Center Harbor Provisions SILVER WINNER 2015 Cornerstone Award Winners in Four Categories!Kitchen Remodel $25,00-$50,000
Harrington Kitchen GOLD WINNER Specialty Out Building-Commercial AMC Recreational Hall Renovation GOLD WINNER Residential Remodel $100,000-$300,000 Briggs Remodel SILVER WINNER Specialty Out Building-Residential Harrington Bunk House BRONZE WINNER |
The Shop in OssippeeAfter a three year chase, Kurt purchased a 1880s Freight Station, for what is becoming the best shop in the world! Deric and family members Bobby and Derek, have helped Kurt transform the building, which most local residents thought of as a tear down, to one of the most unique and impressive spaces in the area. After the tool room roof was repaired and the walls fixed, Kurt and crew spent countless hours converting the largest and oldest section of the building into one priceless shop! Kurt and wife Mary Beth, spent many hours in his truck driving all over New England to pick up the acquired tools, making this space another one in which visitors say "OH WOW!" In the past months Kurt has built many custom cabinets in this impressive shop. The office and conference room space will be tackled next, as well as the new building front. Check out the progress below:
President Home Builders and Remodelers Association MaineBoard of Directors National Home Builders Check out our other website containing photos of completed projects up to 2014: |
NH Home Builder's Parade of Homes 2017
Winner People's Choice Award and Best Interior Finishes
Each bedroom in the home featured a small sink giving the guest rooms the feel of a turn of the century bed and breakfast. Here you can see the sink next to the true stone fireplace chimney passing through the upper guest bedroom. The walls were made to look as though they were open stud walls of an old cabin with no insulation, however this home is extremely energy efficient and a four season home!
Pictured above looking at the back of the home shows how close the home is to the lake, remodeling old lake cabins allows us to build on the same footprint and keep the lake cabins as close to the water as we can get! Little Green is tucked into a natural wooded area, the original green paint and the scissor accents scream quintessential lake cabin.
NH Home Builder's Parade of Homes 2016
Winner Best Interior Finishes
This impressive 6,000+ sq. ft. home was open for viewing during the three day event which surrounded Lake Winnipesaukee. Kelsey, Kurt's future daughter in law, helped welcome people, and accepted so many compliments about this amazing home during the 2016 Parade of Homes..
This incredible kitchen, with custom cabinets by Kurt, made of mahogany, was one of the many reasons the home was awarded BEST INTERIOR FINISHES by the judges of the 2016 NH Home Builder's Parade of Homes.